Women's Leadership in European societies

Parma (Italy), 8-10 February 2023

Location: Parma

Participation: the event involved 80 citizens:  5 participants from Gender Studies

(Czech Republic), 5 participants from the Municipality of Norrköping (Sweden) 6 participants from Esslingen (Germany), 3 from the Municipality of Santo Tirso (Portugal), 2 participants from the Municipality of Piotrków Trybunalski (Poland), 4 participants from the Municipality of Vienne (France) and 55 participants from Parma and SERN (Italy).

Date: from 8/02/2023 to 10/02/2023

The 3-day conference “Women’s leadership in European societies” aimed at strengthening the European network of cities and partners working on the theme of gender equality and at disseminating the results (handbook and guidelines) and the reflections carried forward during the implementation of the project. During the conference the key elements of discussion have been the women’s leadership and the future perspectives, the generational and gender differences, female leadership paths in the public and private sector, as well as the presentation of the good practices of the Municipality of Parma and in the region Emilia- Romagna.


Wednesday 8 February 2023

  • Presentation of the GEMIS Project

Ginevra Roli - Project Officer, SERN Sweden Emilia Romagna Network

  • Gender challenges in Universities: resistance and change

Giulia Selmi - Researcher, Department of Law, Political and International Sciences, University of Parma

  • Managing Generational and Gender Differences in the Medical Profession

Antonella Vezzani - Equality adviser in the Province of Parma

  • Work, care, innovation. Female leadership paths in Social Cooperation

Michela Bolondi – President, Proges

  • The Glass-Cieling: Possibilities and support to break through it

Barbara Straub - Head of Department for Equal Opportunities, Stuttgart (Germany)

  • Equality and gender policies in Emilia-Romagna

Roberta Mori - Regional Councilor of Emilia - Romagna


Thursday 9 February 2023

  • Women’s leadership in Italy : status quo & perspectives

Elisabetta Todeschini - Communication & Sustainability manager, Steering Commitee, Federmanager Minerva

  • Evidence on female entrepreneurship in Parma

Simona Minari and Elisabetta Bernardini - Women's Entrepreneurship Committee

  • Generative, shared and bottom-up: a leadership experience from (and for) a collaborative ecosystem

Rossella Lombardozzi - Founder Officine On/Off

European experiences:

  • Creative ways to secure gender equal talent development

Sandra Wall - Business Developer, Municipality of Norrköping (Sweden)

  • Fight together: an imperative, a challenge

Angela Zanichelli - President, Associazione W4W (Women for Women) and Nabila Mahidra - President, Association Al-Amal

  • Women in (Political) Leadership

Veronika Šprincová - Director Forum 50% (Czech Republic)

Friday 10 February 2023

  • The experience of the Municipality of Parma: enhancement of gender policies and paths for equality

Fabrizia Dalcò - Equal opportunity department Municipality of Parma

  • The role of CUG in Public administrations

Emanuela Allegri, President of CUG, Municipality of Parma



Angela Zanichelli


"Fight together: an imperative, a challenge"

Foundress and president of association W4W/Women for Women, that deals with combating violence and gender issues, in collaboration with other local women’s associations. She has been director of the public administration in the social and health field. Has also held the role of councillor for social services, and then mayor, in a country of about 10.000 inhabitants, in the province of Parma.

Elisabetta Todeschini

Steering committee Federmanager Minerva

"Women’s leadership in Italy:staus quo and perspectives"

Expert of sustainable business, management of complex organizations, and communication, I have specialized in the last 5 years in the areas of sustainability to contribute on the boards of directors to the complex choices of Green transition issues. My professional experience was formed in Unilever and Barilla, two important corporate realities in which I was able to acquire high skillsin complex projects management in the national and international field. Budget and forecasting, gender Equality, Leadership styles and multigeneration approach are the added value of my professional experience that can be useful today. The highest rate of uncertainty, pandemic new way of lives and geopolitical turbulence that impact on energy and raw materials need new business paradign. DEI Values and conflict management are personal skills added to my professional experience. Proud mother of 3 children.

Rossella Lombardozzi

Co-founder Officine On/Off - Parma

"Generative, bottom-up and shared: a leadership experience from (and for) a collaborative ecosystem."

Born in 1985, since 2013 she manages and coordinates shared economy and crowdfunding projects and collaborative work spaces (coworking, fablabs, creative hubs) and collaborates with companies, non-profit organizations and institutions on challenges and services for entrepreneurial development and professional empowerment. She is currently working as a project designer and partnership developer for Officine On/Off (Parma) and collaborating with SheTech association by organizing networking, training and awareness events to support women in the world of technology, entrepreneurship and digital.

Roberta Mori

Regional Councilor of Emilia-Romagna Region

"Equality and Gender policies in Emilia Romagna"

Kikki Liljeblad is the municipal councilor for the Social Democrats in Norrköping municipality and is the 1st vice chairman of the municipal board and chairman of the education committee. Among other things, Kikki is responsible for gender equality issues and is also a member of Östergötland's Gender Equality Council.

Antonella Vezzani

Equality adviser in the Province of Parma

"Managing Generational and Gender Differences in the Medical Professions"

The main activity of Antonella Vezzani has been focused on both clinical and fundamental research. She directed the adult Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit until December 2020, receiving patients after coronary artery bypass grafting, heart valves replacement and patients in cardiogenic shock with advanced circulatory support including Intra-Aortic Baloon Pump [IAPB] and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation [ECMO] She is co-author of more than 60 publications, including original research articles on international referred journals, conference papers and book chapters

Michela Bolondi

Presidente di Proges

"Lavoro, cura, innovazione. Percorsi di leadership al femminile nella Cooperazione Sociale."

Graduated in pedagogy. At only 22 years old, she began her work experience in the Third Sector as an educator and animator in services for children and the elderly. Since 1994 she has been a partner in Proges, a social enterprise that has become a national leader in the personal services sector. For Proges, she has managed sheltered facilities for the elderly, the disabled and the mentally ill, she has been Head of the Quality System and has held directorships in numerous companies of the group. She was President of the Spallanzani Medical Centre

Dott.ssa Giulia Selmi

Assistant professor in Sociology and Gender Studies

"Gender Challenges in Academica: between resistance and change"

Giulia Selmi is sociologist, Assistant professor at the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies at the University of Parma where she teaches ‘Gender and Sexuality’, and ‘Qualitative Methodologies’. She is member of the research center Politesse –Politics and theory of Sexuality of the University of Verona, and member of the board of the Research Network 23 – Sexuality of the European Sociological Association. She works on gender inequality in education, prostitution and sex work, same sex families and new for of intimacies, and the transformation of social, health and educational services, mainly with qualitative and participatory research methodologies.

Dott.ssa Emanuela Allegri

Cug President Of The Municipality Of Parma

"The Role of the Central Guarantee Committee - cug (comitato unico di garanzia) - In Public Administrations"

The establishment of Central Guarantee Committee - CUG (tasks previously carried out by Anti-mobbing Committees and Equal Opportunity Committees) was provided for in public administrations to encourage the creation of a working environment marked by respect for and promotion of equal opportunities and the principle of non-discrimination and the creation of conditions of organizational well-being for all workers of the Authority. In particular, the CUG of the City of Parma pursues the following objectives; to ensure equal gender opportunities, strengthening the protection of male and female workers and ensuring the absence of any form of moral, psychological violence and discrimination, direct and indirect, related to gender, age, race, ethnic origin, disability, religion and language and sexual orientation, political, trade union and any other form of discrimination; to promote the optimization of labor productivity, improving the efficiency of work performance, including through the creation of a work environment characterized by respect for the principles of equal opportunity, organizational well-being and contrast to any form of discrimination and moral, psychological violence against male and female workers; to Contribute to rationalizing and making the organization of the Municipality efficient and effective, including with regard to equal opportunities, countering discrimination and the welfare of male and female workers.