Norrköping is a town in constant transformation. It is in the soul of the town and expresses itself in many different ways. In the past, Norrköping was an industrial town. Nowadays creative, knowledge-driven enterprises are taking off, a process driven by our outstanding university, Campus Norrköping, a part of Linköping University. Our location in the fourth-largest metro region is perfect — air traffic, shipping routes, train tracks and European highways connect here. This is also the place where people with visions and creative ambitions gather, making this the cultural capital of the region with a large range of entertainment, experiences and art. In the middle of Norrköping you meet the soul of the town — the brick-red industrial area that towers up along the rapids and waterfalls of Strömmen. This is a place where old factories are filled with new content, making life richer and more fun. Together with the water, the parks and the quay promenades, they help create the uniqueness that is Norrköping.
Norrköping has about 130.000 inhabitants. The municipality supports the UN sustainable development goals, Norrköping has also signed the CEMR-declaration. In Norrköping both decision makers and civil servants are obliged to follow a guideline, a document produced by the municipality building on the CEMR-declaration, for gender mainstreaming. The guideline focuses on gender statistics, gender analysis and gender awareness raising among decision makers and civil servants. For example, actions and decisions are followed-up statistically and by looking at statistics by gender. In this way, it ensures that resources are used in a way that contributes to gender equality. Another example in Norrköping, is that different decision-making processes must be done by looking at the issue from a gender equality perspective. The result of these actions will be better policymaking.