The Municipality of Santo Tirso is a Local Authority located 25km north of Porto, part of Porto Metropolitan Area. The administrative area is divided into 14 parishes with an area of 139 km2, covering partially the river valleys of Ave, Vizela and Leça, with two major urban centers, which holds 30.7% of the population of the county - the city of Santo Tirso and Vila das Aves. Improving the system of access, checked in the last two decades, has given the city a major role, guaranteeing competitive conditions, making it more attractive for the establishment of new enterprises and the location of residential quality. Santo Tirso is a city of the future, and currently has regular programing for culture, sport and leisure, making the city a quality space to work and live.
From the social point of view, the municipality has the objective of promoting individual and social well-being, acting on people with greater social vulnerabilities, regardless of age and problem. Always with an equal opportunity logic, trying to create conditions so that families do not depend on the support of the state or other institutions. This is a work carried out in partnership with the entire local Social Network, in a concerted effort on different platforms. We highlight the work with children and young people in danger, the elderly, people with disabilities, people with addictive behaviours and dependencies, families with limited economic resources and difficulties in accessing housing and victims of domestic violence, among other areas.